Many say that America has turned the corner headed into economic recovery. Yet as far as I can see its still running in reverse. Years ago a good friend and a founding member of the Knytes, said the valley is not Magic its tragic. Which may be why he moved to Las Vegas and seems to be doing much better. Last night into early morning I had a talk on phone through Skype with a two star General, retired USMC, over this deal in Bliss concerning what was the Y Inn Texaco, that for the best part is a dump. But one needs to see things for what they are. I looked into the property in mid February early March, but no room for just renting it. Which in its current state few would buy. Even at $50K , it will take much more than that to make it really operational. Te mobile home next to the shop/station is pretty much trashed, the inside ceiling is shot, the rest rooms are also trashed and the list goes on. Cuzzin Bud came up in late April , looked at it and said if she’d rent it fine maybe in 24 months we could look into buying the place, once the suit for the lost annuity is complete. So I approached the rea estate company handling it , but they informed no possibility in renting it. So I dropped the idea. Now then a week ago I went in to get my P.O. Box here in Bliss. The Postmaster just happens to be the owner of the Y-Inn Texaco. She approached me and asked if I’d be interested in renting it? I said that could work. So I crunched the numbers and even though it’d put me in tight money wise each month it was doable since I could get an income flowing going towing and doing service work. So over a week now its been dang near a cat and mouse game. The deal is even threatening the deal between me and the guy allowing me to rent shop space in Jerome . If I loose both of these, I’m really going to be a hard person to get along with. I used to think Utah was strict, but Idaho is running in reverse. While some indications exist that some of the nations economy is turning around, Idaho’s economy is not yet doing so, and many others are really hurting in our valley. The thing is the lady who owns the shop here approached me, not the other way around. I had pretty much put the idea in the round can file. A grand example of the Tragic not Magic Valley. But thing is I’m still looking for hangar space, to open up AyreWolf Aviation Restoration and repair. Likewise our radio station. I have until mid October to put something together in the area in fact the entire state. If not, the idea is to get my Wolf-Pack outta here, think maybe some in Idaho are just giving me the boot?
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Quote of the day:
What a blessing it would be if we could open and shut our ears as easily as we open and shut our eyes! - Georg Christopher Lichtenberg