Another month rolls out and a new one in. Nurse GoodBody is off doing a movie and as she and I agreed starting June 1st, give or take a day for snail mail time, $50.00 a month goes to her for repaying the money she lent me to free LexiBelle from bondage. So for all those who need to know that is how that’s worked out, if its any business of yours or not, which it ain’t.
Hope all treasured and honored your Mothers this Mothers Day, remember ya’ll only get one.
As I began reading my scriptures this evening , I came across the passages in Exodus about the month of Abib. So I looked Abib up on the Internet, although there were many quotings of the passages, still no definitive answer to the question, exactly what month, is the month of Abib? Through the translations of the scriptures from mostly Hebrew, through the Greeks to English, did the Hebrew calendar and our modern Solar calendar collide? To where no one really knows. Many say that the month of Abib, is the middle of March, which is supposed to be when barley ripens, yet in most regions of Earth , March is more like planting of barley not maturing to harvest. We all know that the conversion of the two holidays of both Easter and Christmas from Hebrew to a solar calendar puts Easter in December and Christmas about mid April, so does that mean in our modern solar calendar that the month of Abib, is in mid October rather than March. Further research is required.
Busy week, best get back to studying my scriptures and off to bed, need to get up to get blood drawn Monday.
Matthew 18:15“[A Brother Who Sins Against You] "If your brother sins against you, go and show him his fault, just between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have won your brother over.” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |
Quote of the day:
Always acknowledge a fault. This will throw those in authority off their guard and give you an opportunity to commit more. - Mark Twain