Have you ever gotten the idea that no matter how you try to improve your current circumstances your condemned ? Think this; since late 2004 when the majority of the Montgomery Trust, my Mom & Dads estate left over for my benefits went into the toilet over a poor investment done by my cuzzin Bud to give me what he thought would be an elevated altitude financially , but that investment went bankrupt, to most , not all but most of the remains of said Trust. Ever since then struggling on a mere SSA income and somewhat of a survival mechanism , I have attempted many methods, to put me in better financial if not personal improvement. Not saying SSA is bad, and if I wanted too, I could just sit around and watch the cars rust, and mold and mildew. Living off the tax payers of this nation is not something I really want to do for the rest of the next 30 years I have left in this flyte of life. Likewise I get jumped on by a few Neanderthals in MHI under the guise that they even care , which they don’t, after all if that blood clot two weeks ago had punched my ejection card from this mortal life, all of them would have thrown a party, and praised the fact I was dead. The same jerx condemn me for doing anything that would take me off the public payroll and making my own living. Example; all last year into early 2010 they kept pissing on the idea of me devoting my attention to a civilian version of AFR. Saying I’d make more money, by renovating LexiBelle and going toewing. Yet when I turn my focus to that aspiration , the same jerx say , that will never happen. No pleasing anyone there. So what to do? Ignore them, do what’s best and what I think best for me. Yet the same jerx and that’s exactly what they are, but the same jerx will condemn me for just being me. The same jerx will scan the Internet, and do all they can to shut down any of my efforts, and yet bitch that I’m just absorbing SSA funds. Like I said, damned if I don’t, damned if I do. I rather choose, keep on trying, its called Hazzard County tenacity. I don’t give up. Just regroup and reattack.
L8R Aviators/Knytes
Hebrews 6:10“God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.” Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |
Quote of the day:
The trouble with jogging is that the ice falls out of your glass. - Martin Mull
Best way to get on your feet, is to get off your ass, Maj.Masson UCMC