Seems any more the hurrier I go the behinder I get. It’s not uncommon for me to pour a cup of coffee hot , but by the time I gets to drink it, its cold. The mad rush of running at human warp speed , keeps all too many including myself , from stopping and taking a gander at Gods creations, smelling the blooming flowers or taking in the colorizations of spring and summer. By the time many of get to the point of rest, the best is gone or at best could be. Take fer instance, Mothers Day is around the next bend in the road of the month of May here. While commercials on TV are touting the obvious of flowers, gifts, and so on, about the only thing I can give my Mother, on Mothers Day is flowers. The old song by both Red Sovine and C.W. McCall , Roses for Mama explains it best. Another example is this past week, hell past few days, when although it did not occur thank God, but at the thought that at anytime , that Blood Clot of mine in my calf could slip and I could be hammering away on those pearly gates, I thought just what have I missed? What did I really want to do? And did I make a difference? At all hours I get ten at minimum of calls on the phone, some at the same time. One on my cell phone, one on the ye ole landline, and another on another cell phone. All the time I’m running way too fast and trying to do much more than I can bare most days. So I say , just give me a few minutes , Will ya’ll.
Got more coffee , I’m going to drink before its cold. More L8R
James 5:16“Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |
Quote of the day:
The nice thing about egotists is that they don't talk about other people. - Lucille S. Harper