Well the answer came a few hours ago, the gal who owns the old Y-Inn Texaco in Bliss, turned down our offer. I can’t explain why some people have their head up their ass so far that they can lick the back of their teeth. Who knows why someone would pitch the offer to someone(me) who had already turned the idea down, but pitched it a second time, knowing that herself would just rescind the offer. Who knows why any body does anything? Except the fact of being a Yankee, which is more than likely part of it. I said it in, early 2008 and I’ll say it again Yankee’s have fewer brain power than a maggot. The freezing of their cranium fluid all winter. I can say as soon as I get my check from Bud, this next month changing where I get my mail. Maybe even getting my ass out of Bliss all together, after all if the shop is in Jerome, simple response time on toewing requires I live there. Besides having both a Wal-Mart as well as McDonalds close by would be a plus. Added to that being close to medical facilities, is a needed thing. As my Doctor sezz my blood now is too thin, no chance of a clot anymore, just a risk if I injure myself I’d bleed to death. Hell I can’t even get to the hospital despite the need. So maybe the denial of the property in Bliss is both a blessing and omen, as maybe God our Lord is saying , “ Boy get your ass out of there” So I’m working at that. Any mile I gave this my best effort, but it was not me who shit on the plan, so Don’t Blame me for this one !!
L8R Aviators/Knytes
Quote of the day:
'So you think *I'm* the murderer? What do I have to do to convince you that I'm not, be the next victim?'/ 'Well, that would be a start.' - Peter Stone
Romans 15:5-6“May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |