
Tyra not so Bankable(anymore)!


In less than a week now, there will be less than a full handful of analog broadcast TV signals in the Magic Valley. Of this few only 3 beam into the Wolf’s Lair the rest will go fully digital. Of those 3 only 1 is about to get hotter than a two dollar pistol, both program quality wise and rate affordable wise. Dig this, the highest cost for a 30 second ad on RTV coast to coast is $300.00 , hell one would pay twice than that for a 30 second spot during prime time in our area. Does make one wonder. So in surfing the few channels saw that Tyra Banks in withdrawing from a daily two hour program, supposedly going to be focusing more on her weekly gig on the CW on ANTM . I’d say focusing on the baby in her belly. Did you see her tummy pooched out on the show today. Looks like someone made a deposit in that Bank,(lol_) but should that mean the end to one of the hippest daily shows? I say no. But she is and I will not question her decision, she has her reasons. I’d more likely think she wanted more kaching from the CW and the CW said , “ We aint got it” and thus the once Bankable Tyra is no longer bankable. Its not just us going through stiff times.


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Quote of the day:
The future will be better tomorrow. - Dan Quayle
James 1:19“[Listening and Doing] My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,”

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