So there I was right? Went to the Doc, he told me I needed to go to the new hospital in Gooding, for an ultrasound on my leg, that I have had the cramp in. Turns out its a blood clot. So they admitted me to the hospital. I was there 2 hours no more. First the bedside humor and manner is very poor, if it exists at all. This one fat chili crapper CNA comes in tells me no Skoal while in the hospital. Okay fine, took that back out to the truck, came back in. Got in my no back gown that obviously seen better days even with the hospital very new. Guess they had to bring in the old linen. So I was watching Overhaulin getting all comfortable but that goo from the ultrasound was drying out my skin. So told the nurse I was taking a shower first before they began poking. So instead of supplying me with a towel and soap, as most would do or suggest if one says your taking a shower. Had to use some hand soap and dry off with paper towels. So they brought in lunch. Some sort of stew that tasted worse than some Alpo that I have smelled, and some corn bread, I don’t know who made this, but ya’ll can tell them, they is Yankee’s, since no Southern belle or cook would make that dried out stuff. Then another fat CNA, comes in with some sort of steamer to put by my leg, guess the heat is supposed to get the blood flowing. Told the CNA in joking not to get that steamer too close to Harley(my peter) , I was just funning, but guess the gal is a bit immature. If someone can’t take a bit of humor from someone that is in pain and make light of it and not take it personal, they ought not be working in and around sick people. If laughter is the best medicine some doctor ought to write a 700MG Prescription to be taken 8 times per day by each of this joints nursing and other staff. Whew. So in came some young’n from the lab to take blood, I nick named her a vampire. Whew ya’ll would have thought I called her something really bad. Shit folks lighten the frack up. Then comes in this shit head Male nurse with an obvious chip on his shoulder. And started in on me, and I flat told him, if this is the way I’m to be treated here, then I’m checking out. The doctor said that the clot could pass and hit something important and I could die. My thought is this. I already have a DNA order, so even if it did they could not do anything to revive me. Two; if all they are going to do is give me a shot in the belly, which can be taken by mouth through pill form and I sit on my ass , I can do that at home with my things, my good southern Dixie food, SKOAL and all. They gave me a bottle of pills, or two so I take once a day. But shit if this is the condition of treatment at the new North Canyon Hospital in Gooding, shit I’d rather die in my sleep than be there. If I live past a few days come this next week, calling the who that’s who of that hospital and giving the boot, to a few CNA’s that need to be in an industry that asks , Want Fries with that. Not treating people that being sick or in pain , that have no leeway for no humor. It’s that time again, I suppose, that someone ought to put in a big box of Midol in the water supplies around here, as way too many are on a serious case of PMS.
2 Chronicles 7:14“if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |
Quote of the day:
Traditions are group efforts to keep the unexpected from happening. - Barbara Tober