So there twuzz yesterday at the North Canyon hospital in Gooding, getting a ultrasound and being admitted to said hospital that I rapidly checked out of due to the shithead attack of the people working there. So ran into Frank the owner of OutLaw’s And Angels Saloon here in Bliss. Okay yes I owed the guy, $20.00 bucks, its not that I have not had it to repay, him or anything, just finding 2 minutes that I could go do so. So Frank, yesterday grills me about it, so this morning, I took the damn $20.00 to him and of course left it with a bar maid there with Frank’s name on it. Hope he chokes on it. I mean, hell if I was in the hospital that both my Doctor and a few others say I should be, since a blood clot that’s in my leg is no joke and could kill me, but between the blood thinners, and my Goody’s powders should be okay. I’m still here ain’t I? But that said, Frank has to get all big and rooster like yesterday , about it. I mean come on? Is there no decency? Here I am , being asked if I have a living Will and all and folks thinking I’m about to check out of life,and this guy is pressing me on $20.00? Bet I wont patronize that bar again.
To the lighter side, found shop space in Jerome that I can afford , with plenty of side work. Depending on what Doc Crabtree sezz Thursday, if I’m not in the hospital, its get LexiBelle over to Jerome and get things right with her, then LiL Lexi get’s it. Looking at moving to Jerome as soon as I find a shack that I can afford there.
Need viddles so headed out for now.
See ya’ll on the flip side.
Good numbers to ya’ll
Philippians 4:6-7“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |
Quote of the day:
My idea of an agreeable person is a person who agrees with me. - Benjamin Disraeli