For the last several dayz here on KTFT I have seen a scroll on the bottom of our local analog signal here, for KTFT, which is KTVB’s local booster here in the Tragic Valley saying that ch-38 will go dark on June 1st 2010. To which , after the season finale’s of many of the current hit shows that NBC has churned out lately, who the hell will care if you can’t watch a rebroadcast of KTVB which many of us here don’t care much about to begin with. When a big giant in TV in Idaho, comes to an area, to beat over the head of local stations their programming , because they have an analog translator here, now that the analog signal is going dark, what’s to prevent a local enterprise here from filing with the FCC and just becoming another better LPTV station here? More over with the news on KTFT, being of Boise and a slight exam of local weather that is done poorly by the highway, with 80% of the news being of Boise, not Twin Falls, not of Jerome, Buhl, Gooding or the immediate area, who really is going to miss KTVB? I have some real advice for KTVB, close the Twin Falls sales office and go home to Boise. As far as a local enterprise going after the ch-38 analog signal? Can you say : Knytes?
With that in mind dig this; one local signal here based in Twin Falls and the local outlet of RTV is kicking all the area’s TV stations butts. At least in programming. Finally a station, with wholesome shows that the entire family can watch and not overly violent. Add to that for penny’s on the dollar ad rates that rivals any offered by the rest of the locals and for damn sure better than any ad rates TV wise offered in or by a Boise station. So if KTFT goes dark, who cares? Could that mean too , KSAW the local sub station of KIVI, out of Boise, that is here, any better? The answer is no. After all , few if any sales reps are ever in the office. I say, to both; pack up a U-Haul, move back to Boise and let smart folks here refile for station access as well as network access here in Twin or our valley , by people who really live here, that can make local sales and other decisions . So in closing, if KTFT goes dark, the question is, would anybody really miss it?
The answer is a big fat NO!!!
L8R Knytes,
Quote of the day:
What a blessing it would be if we could open and shut our ears as easily as we open and shut our eyes! - Georg Christopher Lichtenberg
James 3:17-18“But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness.” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |