Many times , I have been criticized over business tips I roll out here , as well as on AyreTraffic. It’s not just to tell you our members what we in both clubs are aiming at to target our advertising and promotions for the clubs, but the reason I tell you business ideas ,is that I know that many of you also have independent business’s that you do to put food on your tables. As such if the Knytes are doing something media , the same direction we are taking, might be the course you put on your internal GPS to take your own company forward. With that in mind here goes.
I see really stupid ads , mostly produced by firms that are questionable at best, but also ones who want to be creative as well, but have limited budgets to do so. While few ads need to be mini cinematic undertakings and the exorbant costs involved, still a very stupid ad or poorly produced ad, can reek havoc on your enterprise. Being somewhat in the creative process means you can control both quality and intelligence of the ad.
I see many great ads. I hate giving this to the Japs, but Toyota is running ads for the Avalon that are both entertaining as well as greatly produced, written and still delivers the message. However the ads for where some idiots in capes do belly bumping to get the message across is not only stupid but irritating at the same time. Does nothing to get me to get off my ass to make a phone call or log on to book my next room for an away mission. Booking talent whatever gender can be a real headache. But remember who ever is on your ad, represents you and your company even when she or he is not on TV or in print on your ad. You need to spend the time to carefully select the talent, for your on TV or visual print ad. Remember that person is you in the public eye. If she or he gets popped on a DUI or something else, people will think , maybe you or your firm is into DUI or whatever they got popped for. If the talent is a she and is a porn star or former porn star, people will think your firm is into porn. Even if your not and you go to church each week, the way your message and that person is portrayed on TV is the way your company is looked upon by the public eye. I have seen a creative message out sell a generic ad 7 to 10 times. If the ad has some sort of comedy or a goofy, but done well tag line it will get remembered. Like my kissing a seatcovers toes , to play on the words, and we get Dixie Towing ’s tag; We love toewz. But don’t stop there. And this comes from my memories a bit on old 70’s-1980’s TV. Many of the older TV shows had long, and memorable into or title music, theme songs or tunes. You knew just by the music what TV show was coming on. Likewise Alka Seltzer did up several with ye ole Speedy, and the plop,plop, fizz , fizz, what a relief it is ads. Coke did the one around Christmas that became a holiday classic, I want to teach the World how to sing, and how can we forget, the Meow Mix Cat food spots? The Meow, Meow, Meow, jingle with the cat singing it. Or an animated pitch person, who can forget Morris the cat and Friskeies cat food? A catchy produced well jingle can set your product, service or yes even our club out there to be remembered. Meaning the better chance of a potential customer wanting to do business with you and/or your company. The idea of me smooching a honeys toes on TV brought Dixie, Towing in Utah big money a real ROI. One Utah State Trooper told me, that many times instead of calling someone from regular rotation , many customers might not have remembered the name, they would just ask for the guy who was on TV smooching that gals toes. Everybody knew who it was. Watch for a renewal of the ad , soon on both RTV (Retro-Television) and . That all said , if your going to spend money on advertising , do it well, if its stupid, rather too stupid, it will kill your business.
Next entry, If you don’t have the time to set up your own ads, there is help, called HazzCom media.
L8R Road Warriors,
Zephaniah 3:17“The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing.” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |
Quote of the day:
It is the wretchedness of being rich that you have to live with rich people. - Logan Pearsall Smith