Every month it pretty much goes as always, about the middle of the month or to the end of the month when the Meth heads in MHI as well as the Alkies run out of drug and beer money they feel the need to stick their un-needed beaks into my business or the business of the club. Now then let me attempt to define and refine a previous blog. When I was pitching the concept of recruiting new funds from all of the Knytes, it was no pitched to the public. After all , why would the Union public fork over funds to us in the modern Confederacy? So in that no fraud no foul. I never asked for, nor will ask for money from the mainstream Union public. I only ask for funds from Knytes members and CSA/CNP members only, as only we know the goals of the three. As for the statement of my ancestors founding Montgomery County and the city there of Alabama, I called Cuzzin Bud, and he’s sending me some old documents that as soon as I can get them scanned I’ll post them here. When my Mom, Dad, Uncle Bill and my Nephew Tim , who resides in North Carolina has done much of the genealogy of the Montgomery family and tell me even from youth that my ancestors founded such places, I believe them. Why would they lie? There are so many from MHI that think they know so much , but only have very little to only partial information to make conclusions and call me all things that I will refrain from saying here, it just makes me sick. Not saying all from MHI are bad nor Goons Ferry are assholes, but it only takes a few to spoil the whole crop. As the bible says, if the tree produces bad fruit, it must be hewn down and cast in the fire. As a bad tree can’t produce good fruit. Finally this Saturday, found out from Dr. Kunz today that my equilibrium is out of whack and thus can’t ride two wheels any more, but he also told me I can run on a trike, so am getting a frame and parts to build a toew Trike. Dr. Kunz sezz I can still fly, just not be up on two wheels. Dr. Kunz took me off the rat poison says my proteem level is way too high. First blood is thicker than syrup, now its too thin.
Keep it tween the Ditches, a reminder: Planning council meeting of the Knytes for DukesFest West will take place June 5th in Jerome. At Kats Club. Time? 20:00 hours.
L8R Rebels,
Quote of the day:
Let's have some new clichés. - Samuel Goldwyn
Galatians 5:13“You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love.” Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |